Next-Generation Sequencing Service

The Genomics Core Facility of IRIC offers Next-Generation Sequencing Services using Illumina technology featuring unparalleled throughput (hundreds of gigabases) and accuracy. Select the instruments to view the various applications available.

Illumina NextSeq 2000

Illumina NextSeq 2000

Many sequencing options are available, please contact us for all details!

Applications :

  • RNASeq
  • Amplicons
  • Genomes
  • Small RNAs
  • ChIPseq
  • Cut&Tag
  • Cut&Run
  • Exomes

Illumina NextSeq 500

Illumina NextSeq 500

Here are the different options available:

Specifications for 1 slide

Illumina Kit NameNb of bp sequencedMaximum nb of reads (fragments)
NextSeq 75 cycles High Output v275400 M
NextSeq 150 cycles High Output v2150400 M
NextSeq 150 cycles Mid Output v2150130 M
NextSeq 300 cycles Mid Output v2300130 M

All NextSeq kits can be used for single read or paired-end sequencing.


If you use the NextSeq 150 cycles High Output v2 for paired-end sequencing, you will get 400M reads of 75bp from one end (Read1), and 400M reads of 75bp from the opposite end (Read2) of each fragment.

Applications :

  • RNASeq
  • Transcriptome
  • Amplicons
  • Small RNAs (miRNAs)
  • Exome
  • Targeted genomic regions
  • ChIP (chromatin immunoprecipitation)
  • Genome re-sequencing

Illumina MiSeq

Illumina MiSeq

Here are the different options on the MiSeq:

Illumina Kit NameNb of bp sequencedMaximum nb of reads
MiSeq 300 cycles Nano v23001 M
MiSeq 500 cycles Nano v25001 M reads
MiSeq 300 cycles Micro v23004 M reads
MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (50-cycle)5015 M reads
MiSeq Reagent Kit v3 (150-cycle)15025 M reads
MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (300-cycle)30015 M reads
MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (500-cycle)50015 M reads
MiSeq Reagent Kit v3 (600-cycle)60025 M reads

All MiSeq kits can be used in paired end.
Number of reads is the number of single-end reads or once the paired-ends are assembled.

Amplicon sequencing

If sequencing a library of amplicons, we do not guarantee the full potential of the MiSeq slide the first time you sequence with us. In addition, we might have to add some PhiX is the diversity of the library is too low.

For amplicon sequencing, we work with Nextera indexing, please contact us prior to your amplification.

Applications :

  • RNASeq
  • Transcriptome
  • Amplicons
  • Small RNAs (miRNAs)
  • Exome
  • Targeted genomic regions
  • ChIP (chromatin immunoprecipitation)
  • Genome re-sequencing

Documentation :

For a consultation about your Next-Generation Sequencing project, please contact:

For inquiries about bioinformatics analysis, contact: